Are You and Your Body Magic? – 3

Begin to embrace your magic

Magic begins when we give up the idea that we have all the answers, or we have limitations, and we start to wonder. To truly embrace a sense of wonder, you have to be curious and questioning. You have to allow yourself to be surprised.

If you want more magic, it is simple: ask for magic to show up in your life. One question you can ask every day is, “What capacities and superpowers do I have that I haven’t acknowledged?”

Another way to open up to more magic is by opening up to this beautiful planet. You can start with a simple conversation like this: “Hello beautiful planet. Let’s create something beautiful together! How can I contribute to you? What do you require from me? What do you desire to contribute to me?”

Questions like these do not have linear answers—they necessitate that you stay in wonderment and give up controlling and defining!

Who is Haris?

My whole life I wanted to change the world. My childhood dream was at least one day of peace on this planet, one day without war, stupidities, and insanities of this reality. We have changed so many lives and bodies in the last years and I know this is just the beginning. New Earth is here! What is the Joy we can be with our body, other bodies, in relationships, in business, with our planet?”

Haris Omanovic is a creator of EarthFlow and GAIAtouch having classes with magical people all over the world. Read more HERE.

Wanna explore even further? Please check out my upcoming LIVE and ONLINE classes. How does it get any better than this?

P.S. Find more videos for being the change we wish to see in the world on my YouTube channel.

See you somewhere in the world 😉

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