What is Earth trying to show us?

There is something very interesting going on in the world at the moment: a virus is stopping the whole planet. What are we creating? What can we learn from this?

Earth is asking us for something. We need to choose differently and we need to do it now. So, what can we be now that can change the world? What do you know? And, what if you know exactly what do we need to be now?

You are this power and you can be it now.

What energy, space, and consciousness can you and your body be to be the invitation to the beauty of living to millions of people?

Allow yourself to be this embodiment, allow yourself to be this space where Earth is having your back and you are creating with this planet.​

What can you create with Earth? If you’re including it, what can you create? What are your capacities?

How can you contribute and receive from it? Interested to explore more?

JOIN US on the next creation!

Haris Omanovic is a creator of EarthFlow and GAIAtouch having classes with magical people all over th

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