What if your first language is Energy?

What if your first language was energy? Does that sound weird to you? Do you wonder what I mean? Your mother tongue? What if it was not something you actually “speak” out loud? 😉

How a mother can exactly know what her newborn baby wants? Even without him saying anything as he doesn’t speak yet. Do you think it’s only intuition or some parent’s instinct?

What about when you’re thinking about someone and he phones you at this very moment?

What’s happening when you’re looking straight in the eyes of someone and you can perceive, feel something? What about non-verbal communication? Which is, by the way, 80% of our communication if we believe what expert say about this?

People think that this is only connected to some signals: micro moves and expressions, behavior, pheromone or other signals…

What if all of this, verbal and non-verbal information we send and receive (consciously or unconsciously) were actually based on the very first language we all have which is: Energy.

What if your first language is energy?

And what gift could you receive from that? What would be possible then, also how would you connect with somebody else if you allow yourself to perceive and receive these energy flows?

Would that make more sense then that you’re so sensitive? Would that make sense then that you feel like a sponge and that even without anyone saying anything you can perceive a message in the atmosphere of a room or a place?

By allowing yourself to acknowledge that capacity that you have, and perceive whenever someone is telling you something out loud but is actually meaning the opposite on the inside?

Start to use Energy again as your Mother tongue

Every class I have is 98% energetical and 2% verbal. For someone looking at it from the outside, he will maybe only see that I’m speaking to the people there. Showing them how to do Body processes or creating millions…

But you know better, right? I actually have a personal and energetic interaction with every single person attending the class and with thousands of others that are willing to receive what I am as a contribution.

It’s like a dialogue, even if it doesn’t show that way from the outside. I’m personally energetically speaking and engaged with each people, willing to be all the energies and address all the energy he or she requires on a class.

I’m not Haris anymore. There is no me or Haris. Only space where everyone and everything is included. That is Energy. That is our mother tongue. To all of us.

And you? What can you create if you acknowledge it?

If you want to know more about what I’m doing, or if you are curious about my classes, click here

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