Magic of Selling – 2 part online class with Haris Omanovic
To be a great seller I should… be good at communication, have a flag product and a marketing strategy, be attractive, know what I’m talking about, have a nice presentation, face, ass and probably be able to walk on the hands and sing while jumping on one foot…
What if being more of you, embody all of you was the masterpiece to discover the magical seller you truly be?
What if the magic of selling wasn’t only about selling and buying? What are the other parts and magic about selling you didn’t open to yet?
On this class, I’m inviting you to discover your own way of selling and thrive your magic and Business. What is it for you? What can you create with it, about it, from it?
And is it time to demystify everything we’ve been taught about what is selling, what it should be or how it should look?
Haris Omanovic is a creator of EarthFlow® & GAIAtouch™, EarthFlow Business Wizards, Life & Business coach, and a global connector.